Upgrading your network? Moving offices?
Fast, Affordable IT Network Buildouts for Your New Office
Save 10%+ on new hardware with our 250+ Vendor Network¹
At SADOS, we’ll design, develop and buildout your entire network infrastructure from cabling to cameras, firewalls to access points with our team of certified installers available across DC, Florida, and Texas. SADOS can realize your IT network buildout goals in less time and for the right cost!
Washington, DC
On-site service available in these regions
Washington, DC
Certified techs to handle your next IT buildout
With a team of over certified installers across 3 regions, we stand ready to earn your next IT network buildout bid.
Questions our customers ask before an IT network buildout with SADOS.
We understand your pain and have a solution.
Day 4
Day 7
Day 16
Why does it cost so much and take so long to buildout my network?
Can't get answers? Multiple service calls for one problem? Lack of expertise?
Our time to completion is far below the national average. We get it right the first time, saving you time and money.
The difference is in experience. When we double, even triple our on-site manpower to complete your IT network buildout, we complete the job faster while maintaining the quality standards you’d expect from SADOS, reducing our time + costs and yours as well.
Medium Size IT Network Buildout
60 cable drops, 1 firewall, 2 switches, 8 access points
¹ Excludes hardware costs
Get more out of your technology
by investing in smarter network products.
Our IT partner network of 250+ vendors allows us to leverage our partnerships, providing greater discounts and the best network products in the industry, combined with certified IT installation and configuration of the products. No job is too small or too large and we will continue to earn your business over and over again.
24/7 Support After
Your Buildout is Complete
Our signature managed IT pricing plans provides 24/7 technical support for your networks, servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and everything in between. It’s a great optional complement to your completed IT network buildout and we’d love to show you why.
Check out our affordable maintenance plans to support your completed network infrastructure.
See what
you can save
SADOS consistently outperforms other IT companies on price, while delivering the friendly, expertise your next IT network buildout needs.
Typical number of cable drops and basic hardware installations
Average cost
Estimated upfront spend compared to other IT companies in the region.¹
¹ Excludes hardware costs